Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Are You In Network Marketing But Afraid to Tell Anyone About It?

Did you start out your Network Marketing business by making a list of all your family, friends, co-workers and anyone else you've known since Kindergarten? Then very excitedly told them about what a great product and business opportunity you had. What was their response? Probably not exactly what you expected. They didn't share your enthusiasm. What a downer. Now what? Crawl back into your cave and stay there until a customer or prospect miraculously drops out of the sky?

That's the thinking of someone who is broke and will probably stay there. The only way you are going to get your message, product, or opportunity out there is to promote yourself. Do you realize that wealthy people promote themselves all the time? How else did they get where they are? Can you imagine Donald Trump hiding in his office waiting for good opportunities to appear? He's a "make it happen" kinda guy. Who else can you think of that is famous and YES rich? Let's talk about Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Do you know that he talked to 140 publishing companies before he was finally published? What if he had quit after the first rejection? Our world would NOT be a better place for it. Our world is a much better place with the Chicken Soup series.

Are you then depriving the world of the quality product or service you have to offer? First of all, I should back up a little; do you have a strong positive belief in your product or service? Is there a demand for it? Promoting yourself is all about belief in yourself and what you are offering. Have you done your research on the market for what you are selling? Where would you find the people who need your product or service? With a little bit of effort, i.e., research, you can find many people who would benefit from what you have to offer.

Sure, the Law of Attraction is real. However, the Law of Attraction without the use of the Law of Action doesn't get you very far. YUK!! You mean I have to take ACTION? Does that mean stepping out of my comfort zone? YES! Are you supposed to be comfortable with every action you take? No!! No one is comfortable with every new endeavor they embark upon. But what separates the rich from the not so rich (broke) is action. They move forward even though it might be uncomfortable. Rich people take action; broke people make excuses.

The only way to get comfortable with a new undertaking is to do it. Have you ever heard of the "Ready, Shoot, Aim" principle? Contrary to what we are taught, "Ready, Aim, Shoot", life is a series of small readjustments. When driving a car, we are constantly making tiny adjustments with the steering wheel to stay in our lane, ultimately getting to our destination. We are off-course more than we are on-course. However, we don't get in our car, aim for our destination and just drive without making adjustments. Your Network Marketing (MLM) business is like that. You prepare yourself (Ready), but not "analysis paralysis", by gaining knowledge of your product, service and company. Then you take action (Shoot), by letting people know what you have to offer – promoting. As you are taking action, you constantly adjust what you are saying or doing as you get better with your presentation (Aim). Competency comes with practice.

If your goal is to become wealthy, you must take action. You must promote yourself and your product or service. Don't be shy about it. There are many tools out there to help you promote yourself. I belong to an organization that is dedicated to just that…getting yourself heard in a low rejection environment. Without that, I was just as scared and shy as you might be feeling. A good marketing system builds confidence. Systems are duplicatable; people are not. We can teach you to find no-cost or low-cost leads. I would be happy to help you TAKE ACTION.

Friday, November 14, 2008

"If I Weren't Afraid"....

In response to a question I was asked,i.e., "If I Weren't Afraid..." what would I do, I wrote the following poem. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing and thinking about the topic.

I am a professional Network Marketer. Therefore, as part of my personal development, I must face my fears daily and overcome them to be successful. Anything worth having requires work. But working smart is the real answer and charging ahead without fear are the real keys to success.


If I Weren't Afraid...
I'd write a children's book
And, have it published
So everyone could look...

Through rose colored glasses
At a world without worry.
A world slowed down
No one in a hurry.

If I Weren't Afraid...
I would own my life,
Without trivial concerns
Far from stress and strife....

I would fear nothing.
I'd kick up my heels.
I'd dance with the moon
From no one to conceal.

How happy I'd be,
As free as the wind.
New adventures pursued
The fun would never end.

If I Weren't Afraid...
I'd fly high and free,
Skipping across rainbows
New worlds would I see.

So I say to myself,
What's stopping you,
From reaching up high,
Grabbing new things to do?

Only the darkness of fear
Keeps me from obtaining my dreams.
No real obsticles in the way,
Just my own limits it seems.

So, from this moment on,
I will fear no more.
My dreams I'll pursue,
Adventures behind every door.

Come fly with me,
Grab tightly my hand.
We'll glide smoothly along,
Like the motion of hourglass and sand.

Do not fear anything,
Fate has wrtten your play.
All you must do now,
Is discover the day.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Do You Think Like Your Prospects?

How long has it been since you were a Prospect? I can't remember back that far. Especially since I have been in several different companies and failed at every one until I found the company I am currently with and its duplicatable system.

Can you still think like a Prospect after being in the Network Marketing profession for a while? Or have you forgotten what is important? What motivates someone to join you in your business? For that fact, what motivates ANYONE to join you in ANY activity?

Is it because you are "Too Sexy for Your Shirt"? So wealthy you have a fan club? Have a fantastic car, or mansion? Probably none of the above. Here is a short quiz that might shed some light on what is important to a Prospect.

This quiz is taken from the Ebook "Success in 10 Steps" by Michael Dlouhy.

Get your pen. Here's the list:

1. Company literature shown
2. Marketing plan and potential earnings
3. Training provided
4. Who gave the presentation
5. Product line
6. Company management experience
7. Up-line support
8. Company image
9. Sales kit provided
10. Being first in your area

List the above items in the order you believe a Prospect would be most interested in, in order to join you in your business.

Remember, you are thinking like a Prospect. Try not to look at the answers before you finish your quiz.

One of my mentors, Tom “Big Al” Schreiter, has traveled the world promoting his MLM business. He's discovered what prospects consider most important in deciding on a company.

The answers to the quiz are the following:

#1 won hands down.

1. Who gave the presentation?

"People join people, they don't join companies." Michael Dlouhy, "Success in 10 Steps". The Prospect is interested in YOU, the presenter. Do you meet their criteria as a leader? Will you be there for them as they build their business? This business is about people, not about products or services. When you care about someone, it shows. The Prospect will develop trust in you.

2. Up-line Support.

We're back to people again. You will be their support. They want to know if you will help them. How about YOUR Upline? Will they be available to the Prospect also? One of the first questions your Prospect will have is whether or not they can do the business. So you and your up-line will have to portray integrity and trustworthiness. They won't join someone they don't like and trust. After all, they will be working closely with you and none of us want to work with someone they don't like and trust.

3. Training Provided

So far they haven't asked about the money yet. Surprised? Isn't that why we work? Actually, the motivation for setting up a Network Marketing business begins with the people we will be working with. Again, we're back to like and trust. You have to show them you will be helping them succeed. So many Network Marketing companies have the philosophy of recruit and run. The Prospect is left holding the bag all alone. No wonder there is such a high attrition rate in Network Marketing.

How are you going to provide training? Do you offer interactive conference calls? How about marketing and leads generation training? Then, there is product training. What do you have to offer them? Does the company offer training? What if this is their first time working in Network Marketing? Starting any new business is scary. But take McDonalds as an example. They have a strong duplicatable system that is used throughout their franchises. You can walk into any McDonalds and expect similar menus and identical work processes. They are, for the most part, run very efficiently. Can you offer a training system to your Prospect that will allow THEM to train their Prospects? It's all about know, like and trust. Training is critical to their success.

4. Marketing Plan and Potential Earnings.

Nearly halfway through the Prospect's list of what is important to them, and we're finally getting to compensation. They are wondering if they can do this. Can they really make some money? However, they are back to wondering if you can provide the necessary training to help them be successful. How much money isn't as big an issue as "Can I really do this AND make some money"? What are you going to provide in the way of training and support? You don't really need to go into great detail about the compensation plan because they are thinking about so many different things at this point; they won't retain all the specifics.

5. Product Line

Now come questions about the product or service they will be selling. This is not the time to go into secret ingredients of your wonder product, or to tell them about how many bauds per second their Internet service will provide. A basic overview will suffice at this point. People don't really want to know all about the product, they just want to know if it is something they can use. They are going to want to know if YOU use the products and what results you have had.

6. Being first in the area

Have they asked about the company yet? Nope. People want to know there is room for growth. They don't want to be in a saturated market, but neither do they want to be the only ones selling this product or service. They want the assurance that the product or service is saleable.

7. Company Literature Shown

Many Network Marketers focus on company literature, audios, videos, etc. But in the long run, that is NOT what is going to create a desire for someone to join you in your business. We're back to Network Marketing being a relationship building business. People want to join YOU, not your video.

8. Company Image

Will your Prospect be impressed by an elaborate office building and huge warehouse in an exclusive area of town? I know that didn't impress me. However, after I joined the business, I WAS impressed by the streamlined structure of my company and how much MORE money they were paying their distributors as a result.

Mainly your Prospect wants to be assured that this is a legitimate business and not some offshore corporation with a mailbox for an address. Will they get a check for their hard work, and will the company be there for the long haul? In other businesses, such as Insurance or Investments, the company image is very important. But in Network Marketing, we are back to relationship building.

9. Is The Sales Kit Provided?

Now the Prospect wants to know what their marketing tools will be. Is there good literature? Are there well-produced videos or tapes?

Most presentations start out with information on the company, then the sales kit is presented. However, this is 9th on the list of the most important presentation activities on the Prospect's mind. Who is doing the presentation is still the most important thing for your Prospect. They are still wondering if you will be there to help them. Will your Upline be there? Can they make some money? What will you do to help them be successful?

And, finally…

10. Company Management Experience

Lastly, the Prospect wants to know about the company management. Is the "President a family man, and he's got four or five families to prove it"? From "Success in 10 Steps", Michael Dlouhy. The Prospect really doesn't care. They are still focused on you, the presenter, and how you will help THEM.

Have you convinced them they can do it? Do they like you? Do they believe and trust in you, if not, nothing else matters.

Now it's time to score your quiz.

Again, this is from "Success in 10 Steps", Michael Dlouhy.

Take the difference between what you had and the correct answer. (E.g., if you had #10 Company Management Experience ranked #1, you’d have a difference of 9.)

Do that with every item. Add them up. Now you’ll see how YOU are thinking, compared to how the prospect is thinking.

When I first took the Quiz, I did not do very well. I scored a very high number. My guess is that MANY Network Marketers get these 10 activities backwards, hence, the difficulty in talking with a Prospect and having them join you in your business.

All that matters is what your Prospect is thinking, not what you think they should know.

Learn to think like a Prospect and your entire business will turn around.

To get your free copy of the Ebook "Success in 10 Steps" just click on the name.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What Color is Your Personality Rainbow

Each of us have a dominant personality color. This classification of personality temperaments dates back to 400 B.C. when Hippocrates named them Melancholic, Sanguine, Choleric and Phlegmatic.

In my Network Marketing organization we have adopted the theory that the names of these personality temperaments coincide with colors. Melancholic is associated with the color GREEN. YELLOW is Phlegmatic, RED is Choleric, and BLUE is Sanguine.

Each color has its strengths and weaknesses. Each personality contributes to the interesting aspects of being human.

Here's a story about how the colors interact.

It was a bright beautiful day. The sun was shining, the sky was clear and the temperature was 72 degrees. It was a near perfect day. I was invited to a party that day which was to be held outdoors. The weather couldn't get much better than that for the party.

When I arrived, I was happy to see that many of my friends were there, plus some people I didn't know. I'm not really a party animal, but was open to meeting some new people.

I was warmly greeted at the door by my friend, Malcomb Monkey. "Hello Oliver Owl, how are you?" he said. He's always ready for a party. He is self-employed. No one really knows for sure what he does, but I've heard him use the term "Network Marketing". I don't quite know what that is, but he loves doing it. I enjoy being around him because he is always upbeat, full of energy, enthusiastic and creative. His voice is so strong, you can hear him from a block away. Malcomb loves being around people and never meets a stranger. He looked great in his bright "BLUE" Hawaiian print shirt. Good thing he's married to Tina Teddy Bear. He's so disorganized he would never have been able to pull this party together. Malcomb flies by the seat of his pants and loves public speaking. He's so much fun to be around.

About the time Malcomb had finished greeting me at the door and introducing me to six people, whose names I couldn't recall, Tina Teddy Bear came out of the kitchen with a beautiful tray of well arranged, and decorated, carrot cake muffins. She immediately set down the muffins and walked across the room to give me a big hug. Tina looked wonderful in her "YELLOW" sundress. She always dresses so well for every function she is at. She has such great taste. She is a little soft spoken. Tina Teddy Bear is a crisis counselor. She has worked in that profession for many years. She has won many awards at work for her dependability and being a team player. Tina is so warm and friendly, that I know why she is so good at counseling. Malcomb says he has to be careful, though, when communicating with her because she can be a little overly sensitive. Tina is definitely the one in the family that holds things together. She is so dependable, warm and loving. Tina Teddy Bear excused herself to finish her job of making sure her guests were well taken care of.

Malcomb had moved on to greet other newcomers. I (Oliver Owl) stood there for a moment alone in the room wondering where I could go to be inconspicuous. I did want to meet some other people but I'm a bit reserved and it is not always easy for me to walk up to someone and begin talking to a complete stranger. I don't mind being alone. I just have to be careful that I don't spend so much time alone that I become depressed. I prefer formal introductions. I am an Engineer and not everyone wants to discuss the technology I work with, especially the research. I took off my "GREEN" linen jacket and laid it across the back of one of the chairs, then headed out to where the party was. I took a glass of diet coke from the bar and began to analyze each of the guests wondering what they did for a living. I like knowing a lot about the people I interact with. I persisted in doing that until someone tapped on my shoulder.

As I turned around I was met with a forceful and loud,"HELLO". She introduced herself as Sally Shark. I barely had time to try to remember her name before she began telling me all about herself. Sally is a CEO/Attorney for her corporation. She definitely looked the part. No casual dress for her, she was definitely "dressed for success" in her "RED" blazer, white blouse, black skirt and print scarf. As I stood there listening to her talk about herself, i.e., dominating the conversation, I noticed that she was very intense and goal oriented. It was difficult to believe all she was telling me. I had a strong feeling she was exaggerating a bit to impress me. Sally began talking about all the money she was making in her job and how she had worked her way up the corporate ladder. She really enjoyed the powerful position she was in. Abruptly, Sally spotted someone else she wanted to talk with and was gone just as suddenly as she had arrived.

As, I stood there observing the attendees of this party, I struck me how different everyone was. Each had their own individual personality traits. I decided that that was a good thing. Each person brought color to the party with their unique talents and traits.

As the evening came and everyone was leaving, I thanked Malcomb Monkey and Tina Teddy Bear for a wonderful evening, grabbed my "GREEN" linen coat and walked to my new high mileage car.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Residual Income Is Better Than Winning the Lottery

Can you strike it rich without winning the lottery? Yes, you can. Thousands of people are doing it every day. It doesn't take a genius or odds of 1 in 250,000,000. All it takes is a little research and some effort.

How much money do you need in order to supplement your income? Or, do you want to replace your income and enjoy personal and financial freedom for the rest of your life? I know this sounds like a far-fetched dream, but it is not. If you COULD have personal and financial freedom, how much effort would you be willing to put forth? What if I told you that you could achieve that with about 5 hours of work per week to start? First let me show you what you have to gain.

If you wanted to have $500 per month in extra income, in 5 years, how much would you have to have invested to accomplish that? At 6% simple interest - a little higher than a Money Market account return - you would have to have $100,000 invested. How long would it take you to save that amount of money? In 5 years, you would have to save $1667.00 per month, every month.
If you wanted to have $5000 per month in extra income, in 5 years, at 6% interest, you would have to have $1,000,000 invested, which would require you to save $16,667 per month for 5 years. However, you would only have to have 250 people in your personal Network Marketing group to achieve the same monthly return.

$10,000 per month would require saving $33,334 per month for 5 years to accumulate an asset of $2,000,000. Or you could have 350 - 450 people in your personal Network Marketing group.

What if I told you that you could have $500 per month in extra income working 5 hours per week in only one year? Yes, in Network Marketing, this can be easily achieved. You would be performing seemingly small actions, on a consistent basis.

But, how many people would you need in your group? It varies from company to company, but I know of one 5 Pillars company where you would only need about 25 people in your personal group. That is a recruitment goal of only 2 people per month. And, with others in your personal group recruiting to build their own businesses, you would not need to recruit 2 people per month. Your team members would be building their businesses, helping add to your personal group.

What if you wanted to replace your full time income? What would THAT take? Look at the chart at Network-Marketing-Unlimited. The chart is located on the lower right corner of the page under my picture. This gives you the full idea of what you would need to have in personal savings or build in your business.

At a certain point in your business, you hit critical mass and your personal group grows very rapidly. But to be on the conservative side, I've calculated these numbers on a 5-year plan.

All that time you spend driving to the convenience store, purchasing a lottery ticket, then driving home, could be spent on building your own business with residual income that would last your lifetime. The odds are very much in your favor to amass an excellent income with just a few small actions per day.

In the book "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson, he states, "If you learn to understand and apply the Slight Edge, your life will become filled with hundreds of thousands of small, seemingly insignificant actions; all of them easy to do, none of them mysterious, complex or difficult. And those actions will create your success. That's what successful people do: simple things that are easy to do."

By working on your Network Marketing business a little each day, you could build your own business. Those odds are far better that trying to win the lottery, and you would have what you dream about: Personal and Financial Freedom.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How to Get MLM Leads

I have been busy working on both of our businesses. Since I haven't mentioned it before, I'll explain it now. In addition to my Vitamark business, we have another business where we sell model train transport and storage boxes, American Models S-Gauge Trains, and Wooden Trains, such as Thomas the Tank and Melissa & Doug. We sell through the internet and also go to about 6 shows annually. It's fun, but a lot of work. If you are interested in model trains, check us out at: Train Boxes Plus My husband and our partner, Brother-in-Law, are into the trains.

My other Home Based Business is my REAL love. I'm still working hard at learning HOW to do the business. There is so much to learn. This is certainly not a "get rich quick" scheme that many Network Marketing companies try to get you to believe. This is about self-improvement and learning, learning, learning. I'm so fortunate to have upline that is available as I need them and are very willing to teach me and mentor me. I, in turn, wish to pass my knowledge along to anyone else who feels they need it.

Today, I would like to talk about how to get Network Marketing leads. Here is a 60 minute audio presentation that will help you with having leads come to YOU. The presenter, Richard Dennis entitles it "MLM Prospect Magnet". I think you'll find it very beneficial to your business. He references the book "The Slight Edge". If you have not read it, it is a MUST READ. It is literally life changing. There is so much information in this audio, it will take you a MONTH to go through it all. Enjoy!!

Here is the link to the audio: http://successteambuilders.com/Calls/blogs.html

As I mentioned in an earlier Blog, I like to add a neat little self-evaluation quiz for you to take. Here is the latest: http://www.reallifecoach.com/realyouquiz.htm

Please feel free to call me at: Suzan Svatek, 817-441-1516

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Where I've Been And What I've Been Doing Since My Last Post

It's been a while since I posted. I didn't realize how long it had been until I looked at the date.

It's been a very busy time. I've been working hard on my business in Network Marketing. Also, we have another business where we sell model train transport and storage boxes, plus we sell wooden toy trains including Thomas the Tank. We also sell S-Gauge trains, but that is all about doing another blog.

My focus here is on my Network Marketing business and the Mentoring For Free program.

I've been learning to do videos, writing articles for Ezine, learning about Social Networking and Social Bookmarking.

Additionally, my husband had surgery for prostate cancer and is home recouperating. The GREAT news is that they got it all. He's been very faithful in getting his annual checkups and checking his PSA....a simple blood tests that can indicate prostate cancer. This year it passed the magic number of 4.0. He was referred to a Urologist who did a biopsy which turned out to the positive for cancer. It was a more aggressive form of cancer and we did not entertain radiation treatment. He had the prostate removed. The final pathology results were that all the cancer was contained within the prostate and had not moved to his lymph nodes. For everyone out there, whether male or female with a significant male in her life (husband, mate, brother, Father, son), please keep a close watch on your PSA. The number of men who end up with prostate cancer, especially in their older years is staggering. It is one of the most treatable cancers for men, if caught early. All 3 of our sons are going to have theirs checked and they are not yet 40. My husband's Father died of prostate cancer that was not caught until it was too late. He was one of the GREAT people of the world, and it is a much sadder place without him.

My Network Marketing business is keeping me busy. It is NOT a get rich quick scheme. I am in it for the long haul. If you are coachable, you can be succssful. We have so many resources for you, it almost gets difficult to choose which method you are going to use.

I will be happy to help you be successful in your business. Just contact me at: Suzan Svatek, 1285 Old Annetta Rd, Aledo, TX 76008. Home Office No.: 817-441-1516 Also, you can contact me at: www.yourvitalself.com

Have a GREAT Day!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Journey

As I mentioned in my Bio, I have participated in Network Marketing for about 2 years, and with several different companies. I was part of Shaklee, a travel company I don't remember the name of.....whose President of the company took off with all the money and left the distributors holding the bag. Then I joined Nu Skin. That company really built its business by having the distributors "buy in" to the business and stockpile thousands of dollars worth of product to attain certain levels within the pay structure. They ended up in court in a class action suit, for which I was reimbursed for all the product I still had that I could not sell.

Needless to say, I was very, very skittish about joining another Network Marketing company. However, I believed in the process. I began to research companies and joined Herbalife. Then, I read about the pay structure, the fact that you had to buy leads at about $100 per lead. To have their website, you had to pay $59.95 per month. By the time I totalled up my per month cost, I would have to have an enormous amount of sales just to cover my monthly cost.

When I was researching other Network Marketing companies after I had joined Herbalife and spent $400.00 on my starter package, I found Mentoring for Free. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could there be an honest program that was devoted to being in service to others? Just didn't seem possible. Then I discussed with them what company they were affiliated with, they said they mentor ANY Network Marketing company and beyond. Much of what they train for, is applicable to ANY business.

I was intrigued. If I could have sponsors who were willing to give of their time and effort, for no monetary return, that was a group I wanted to be associated with. I dug deeper and finally learned that many of the people in the Mentoring For Free program were affiliated with a company named Vitamark. Vitamark is based in Houston, has been in business for 6 years and is growing by leaps and bounds. They have several "anchor" products: Limu Plus - a fantastic product that is having phenomenal results in increasing health for many different ailments, i.e., allergies, joint pain, chronic fatigue and much, much more. Then, they have just released a new energy drink that is Red Bull, without the sugar. It doesn't leave you with the jitters or a "let-down" feeling. It just gives you an awake and sense of wellbeing feeling. Additionally, it comes in easy to transport packets that you add to 12 - 16 oz. of water. It has a great lime flavor.

I could join for $29.95. I could join at the fast start level, receiving $650.00 worth of product for $495.00. That's how I joined. Additionally, you are given 7 websites FOR FREE. Then, on top of that, Vitamark has the best pay plan I had ever seen.

I am 6 weeks into working for the company and am still very much in training. I listen to about 12 training conference calls per week. I only need to purchase 100 bonus points of product every 12 weeks to stay as an Affiliate. I have access to my sponsor and HIS sponsor as often as I need to. I am handing out samples of the energy drink "Crave".

The Mentoring for Free program is set-up such that you will have prospects coming to YOU instead of you having to go out and talk to your family, friends, or co-workers. Your prospecting campaign is targeted towards people who are already familiar with, and interested in Network Marketing. THEY end up coming to YOU instead of you having to go to them. All this AND the Mentoring for Free program is helping anyone needing mentoring. It meshed with my intrinsic need to help others.

So, from this point on with my blog, I will continue to fill you in on my progress. Additionally, I want to add a little fun to my site by having a fun Quiz each time I post. The quiz for this posting is at: http://quibblo.com/quiz/6qPyvz/Personality-Type-Quiz What is YOUR personality type? Enjoy!!

Mentoring for Free: http://suzansvatek.successin10steps.com

Friday, February 8, 2008

Think & Grow Rich - Chapter 6 - Imagination

This is a fabulous book that is timeless. Though first written, shortly after the Great Depression of the '30's, it's message is timeless.

In my Mastermind Group, we discussed this chapter at length. This is my take on it. I'll publish others' understanding of it.

Chapter 6 – Imagination

There are laws of nature from which all things are created. It is either matter or energy. We live this daily just by observing our surroundings; the tangibles and the intangibles. The tangibles being the chair you are sitting on, the car you drive. The intangibles are things you cannot see, but are just as real as the tangibles, such as electricity and Imagination. Imagination is divided into two forms. Synthetic Imagination and Creative Imagination. Synthetic Imagination is the Mother of Invention. It is the process whereby we take what is known, rearrange it and create something new – an invention. Creative Imagination is that from which we draw upon Universal, Infinite Intelligence to create an entirely new concept, inspiration, or desire beyond what is in our current awareness. One’s only limitation for Creative Imagination is the boundaries you, yourself place on your ability to tap into it.

Creative Imagination is also the modality from which we can draw on the awareness and thoughts of others. In order to fully utilize Creative Imagination, you must practice its use or risk losing the ability to use it.

Synthetic Imagination is our “practical”, everyday imagination which is the one most used in the process of converting DESIRE to money. But Creative Imagination is the root of thought that creates the DESIRE. It taps into that which we don’t currently have in our awareness.

You create your thoughts by what you give precedence to. Your thoughts then create the circumstances of which you are thinking. Your reality is then manifested by your thoughts. “Therefore, what you think about – so shall you become.1”

DESIRE is a thought impulse, which is a form of energy. It is the same energy that has brought about all of creation in the Universe. You are now engaged in the task of trying to profit by Nature’s laws by endeavoring to convert DESIRE into it physical or monetary equivalent. You CAN do this. It has been done many times over. You can build a fortune through the aid of laws, which are absolute. The first step is in
recognizing and believing in these laws, and becoming proficient in their use through repetition.

Drawing on Creative Imagination, we begin to formulate DESIRE. Synthetic Imagination allows us to take those new thoughts and convert a DESIRE into tangible form, as in developing a PLAN with which to produce the physical manifestation of our DESIRE. The next step in fulfilling our DESIRE is to commit it to a WRITTEN PLAN. A WRITTEN PLAN takes on much greater power than just keeping the PLAN as a thought. After we have developed the WRITTEN PLAN, we must place a timeline on it in order to develop the drive to fulfill that PLAN.

Definiteness of Purpose is the beginning point from which all ideas begin. Definiteness of Purpose takes on animation, life & power. This SECRET is not truly a secret. Nature displays it creations continuously through everything in the Universe. Hill states: “The conversion of DESIRE into its physical equivalent is, certainly, no more miraculous.” All fortunes had their beginning point in first tapping into Universal Intelligence (Creative Imagination), and Nature’s Laws of energy & matter, developing a Definiteness of Purpose, and then transitioning that into Synthetic Imagination, which becomes an idea or a BURNING DESIRE. From BURNING DESIRE, a written PLAN is developed. All fortunes begin this way. You are only limited by the imagined restraints you place on yourself.

If you think Hard Work & Honesty alone are the keys to wealth you must change your prospective. Millions of people go through life waiting for the big “Break”. Breaks are certainly a plus and helpful, but Riches only come in response to Definite Plans and Goals, Determined Effort and by applying the Laws and Principles of Nature, not by luck or chance.

Success is not necessarily a direct path or smooth sailing. Just because you have a good IDEA, success does not automatically “show up”. Your Burning Desire must be able to withstand setbacks and disappointments. Definiteness of Purpose is mandatory in withstanding obstacles. The process of manifesting monetary gains from Creative, then Synthetic Imagination must be strong enough to dismiss all opposition.

The formula – Inception of an IDEA (Creative Imagination), Developing a BURNING DESIRE with DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE, establishing a PLAN (Synthetic Imagination), committing that PLAN to it written equivalent, then establishing a TIME LIMIT will bring about success.

Mr. Hill states: “Success requires no explanations. Failure permits no excuses.”

If you have a burning desire to become successful, check out my website, then contact me.


Monday, February 4, 2008

Are You Too Self Critical?

Too Self Critical? Here’s What to Do If You Often Treat Yourself Too Harshly

by http://www.sedona.com/

Do you fixate on the extra five pounds you need to lose, unable to take even the most sincere compliment about your appearance because of it? Or do you berate yourself because you bought your child’s birthday cake instead of baking it yourself, or perhaps because you can’t lift as much weight at the gym as you once did?

These are all examples of criticisms that we subject ourselves to on a daily basis. Not from other people -- you would likely shout angrily back at someone who would dare say such things about you -- but from yourself.

“Most of us are our own worst critics; however it does not need to be that way,” says Hale Dwoskin, CEO and director of training of Sedona Training Associates.

Yet, everywhere you go in life, there are expectations: achievements to be made, standards to be upheld, and levels to be reached.

While it’s normal, and even admirable, to always strive for the best, when you can’t accept yourself for being you, or for being sometimes less than perfect, you’re setting yourself up for an emotional disaster.

In fact, a recent study by psychologists at Curtin University of Technology in Australia found that people who engage in “all or nothing” thinking (such as “I think of myself as either in control or out of control”) were at a greater risk of becoming an extreme perfectionist. Health problems that surround such thinking include everything from depression to suicidal thinking and eating disorders.

In other words, the more you stick to absolutes, such as “If I’m not the wealthiest person in my neighborhood I’m useless,” the more at risk -- mentally and physically -- you are.

How to Accept Yourself, No Matter What

You owe it to yourself to be your greatest supporter -- not your greatest enemy. So how do you stop those nagging, self-sabotaging thoughts that run through your mind?

“The best way to stop them is to recognize that no self criticism is true -- no matter how convincing it is,” Dwoskin says. “Self criticism is always based on a feeling from the past, but since it is not true you do not need to believe it -- and you can choose to let it go.”

You can let go of negative, self-critical feelings just like you can let go of a pencil once you learn The Sedona Method -- a tool to release negative emotions that are holding you back from true happiness.

Dwoskin explains, “The best way to do this is to simply ask yourself, ‘Could I let go of wanting to criticize myself?’ Then choose to drop it.”

“If you want to stretch even further,” he continues, “you can give yourself some approval for no reason whatsoever.”

Let’s give this a try. Instead of putting yourself down for your bald spot, congratulate yourself for your perfect smile, your ability to talk to anyone or your professional-league golf swing. Now, which feels better?

Of course, complimenting yourself is always more enjoyable than criticism. And switching your negative thoughts to positive ones is something that you can do everyday, in every moment.
“It is helpful to develop the habit of finding things about yourself that you can love, appreciate and accept,” Dwoskin says. “Since the mind likes to have something to do, it is great to give it something positive to look for rather than looking for the negative as it usually does.”

The New York Times December 4, 2007









Friday, February 1, 2008

Mental Cleanse

Mentoring for Free - Success in 10 Steps

Mental Cleanse - Think & Grow Rich, Chapter 5

As part of the “Mentoring for Free” program we do what is called a “Mental Cleanse”. It’s totally voluntary. No pressure whatsoever.

Is Your Life Worth 30 days ? If it is, Start NOW. Don't Give Away Your Power…

#1. This Life Changing Program Will Cost You NOTHING but Your Time. Do NOT Start this process if You Don’thave the guts to take it to the finish line.

#2. While on Your 30 day Mental Cleanse you need to read ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill. You can download this for free at: http://www.successteambuilders.com/belief/thinkgrowrich.pdf. Be sure to E-Mail Your Mentor (Me)Your Thoughts from every Chapter each week. suzansvatek@yahoo.com

#3. We do a ‘Mastermind Coaching’ call Every Wednesday at 3:00 and 8:00 PM EST. We will share what we learned from each chapter in Think And Grow Rich starting with Chapter One and ending with chapter Fifteen.

Because the Mental Cleanse is On-Going You Do Not have to Start on Chapter ONE, You can Start with the Chapter we send You Every Wednesday. (You can contact me for the access phone numbers for this exciting, personal growth conference call. You are totally anonynomous if you wish to be. Website: http://suzansvatek.successin10steps.com/

#4. Say Your Self-Talk (Affirmations) at least 100 times a day. Start Today.

#5. Drink Plenty Of Water. You are De–Toxing YourMind and Just Like the rest of Your Body Your MindNeeds Water as You STOP the Chatter In Your Mind. Again, This Is Most Important:
Do NOT start this process if you are not ‘Coachable’or get your feelings hurt easily. As your Coach and Mentor I can only say it as I see it. If you can NOT stand the truth then again DO NOT start this process you will quit and won’t like the outcome.

Life Is not the amount of breaths you take, it’s themoments in your life that take your breath away.

Remember to, Work like you don’t need the money, Love like you’ve never been hurt, Dance like nobody’s watching, Sing like nobody’s listening and Live like it’s Heaven on Earth.

Here is feedback from some of the Mental Cleanse Mastermind Group Members on their intrepretations of this chapter.

Chapter 5

Specialized Knowledge

Hill says there are two types of knowledge.One is general knowledge while the other is specialized knowledge. I believe that every one has both of these attributes.
I went to school to learn the general knowledge, yet the specialized comes from studying in a specialized area, or subject. For instance I have studied Color. As a very young person I would watch the sky, or stare at a rose trying to figure out how it came to have all those colors.
I now know that the Greatest Artist of all time is our Creator. Just look around you, and see all the colors of everything. The Ocean,Sky, trees, flowers, grass, and everything else has color.
I’ve also learned that people with book knowledge can be lacking in common sense. While others can be common sense smart while lacking the knowledge of books.
I’ve listened to some people right out of College, and wondered where are they were coming from. They made No Sense to me. Yet I’ve talked to people who have had little education, and they made alot of sense to me.

Henry Ford was a very good example of what I’m talking about. Smart Lawyers were asking him Meaningless questions, and Ford had enough, and flat told them about the push buttons on his desk and how he could find any answer to any question that he had, and knew that he would receive the information that was needed for the question that he had asked.

There was another Man, who by the way could not read or write. This man has been an inspiration to me. He went to work for Colonel Harland Sanders, and became a manager.
His name is Dave Thomas the founder of Wendy’s. Colonel Sanders became Dave’s Mentor, and taught Dave how to get where he wanted to go. Dave was an adopted Child, and he also has a Foundation for Adopted Children, and the Adopting Parents so that these Children would not have to go through what he went through.

I consider Dave Thomas a hero in my book. He had Common Sense mixed with Desire, and Faith given him by Colonel Sanders.

I believe what we are learning from Think and Grow Rich, and Michael is teaching us, are about ourselves. Michael is another Dave Thomas who wants Specialized Knowledge for all of us, so we can become the Henry Ford’s, the Dave Thomas’s who will be helping others to believe in themselves. Some day I can be the person that I started out to be. I know that I can do what it takes to make it.

Thank You Michael and to every one on the Team who is helping us become the person God Created us to Be.

Your Friend Always
Loleta Jean Disernia


Here are some of the nuggets I gleamed from lesson 5. First, It is not so important that you have all the answers so much as your ability to find the answers in time of critical importance.
Two heads are definitely better than one and when you combine a mastermind group it gets even better. Together you help each other grow and gain valuable knowledge that might not have other wise been possible. Each person like-minded growing together, no agenda but to help their fellow man.

Also, specializing is also of CRITICAL importance. You really can’t be everything to everybody. That would be like the Starbucks trying to sell pizza,tacos, spaghetti etc.

You have to have something you are going to be good at that brings value to the marketplace. If you combine this simple strategy combined with pure faith, the ability to believe before you see, and the sincerity to give back to the universe, success is assured.

Remember seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing.

See you guys Wednesday!
Kevin Mckoy



The Forth Step towards Riches

I will become an educated man, one who has developed the facilities of my mind that I may acquire anything I want, or it’s equivalent, without violating the rights of others.
I sometimes go through life suffering from inferiority complexes, because of my lack of education. With the help from this Master Mind Group, and the training provided by “Mentoring for Free” I know that there is no doubt in my mind, I will be helping many people, that suffer from the “fear” that has controlled their lives for many years.
It’s a great feeling inside of me to know I have the Capability, too see so far into the future, I can actually see the smiles on their faces,

Thank you,

Bruce Adams

Specialized Knowledge

As I was reading this chapter this leaped off the page at me. “Before you can be sure of your ability to transmute DESIRE into its monetary equivalent, you will require SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE of the service, merchandise, or profession which you will intend to offer in return for fortune.”

Our universe is a place of equality. What I mean is that we must give as good as we get.You won’t become successful until you are able and willing to give back as much as you want to receive.

Specialized knowledge takes time to acquire. It isn’t just something you can wish for and it will fall out of the sky and land in your lap. Santa won’t give it to you wrapped in a pretty box with a ribbon.

It isn’t something that if you read a book or even took specialized class, you immediately have it. You must practice it to perfect it. You may go through some trial and error to know what will work for you.

It takes time to develop your faith in yourself and your abilities. Give yourself the permission to take the time necessary to develop. Do something everyday that will help you grow and learn that specialized knowledge that you need. Have faith that you will have it when you’re ready for it.

It isn’t a race either. When we look at the Winners circle and question why does that person have what I want. Or why did they have it 2 weeks after joining and here I am 6 months later and still nothing. Understand that we all grow and learn at different rates. We all started at different places, we cant all arrive at the exact same moment. Relax, enjoyt he journey
And once you have some specialized knowledge, it is also necessary to understand that it isn’t possible for everyone to know EVERYTHING….. That is why having a team to mastermind with is essential.

Together anything is possible. Alone you couldn’t do it all. You must have a team.

Leadership is specialized knowledge. Leaders can excite people, bring focus, and bring out the best of everyone’s specialized knowledge. Imagine a team of leaders working together.
WOW what a powerful concept.

I am beyond grateful to have found a home with my team. A huge, selfless group of leaders.

Thank you everyone


I have read this chapter four times, listened to it on audio before going to bed last night and read it again this morning and I think I may be starting to get it. But I know I don’t have it yet.
Here is what I woke up thinking about this morning. When I was a sales manager for “CarMax” I was one of the best Sales Manager’s in the region. The funny thing is, my team all men) used to tease me because I didn’t know a thing about cars except how to drive one.

They were puzzled at how it was so easy for me to sell cars. But I was really great at feeling out my customers and focusing on their needs. I would watch them respond when looking at the different cars.

I would ask them lots of questions. Do they have kids, what colors do they like, do they like to drive fast, what kind of work do they do. In other words, I would focus on their needs.
I would watch the body language between the husband and wife. I always knew when they were feeling like this may be it and that is when I would offer the test drive.

I didn’t know a thing about cars, but I knew where to get the answers. I could read the window sticker, talk to the mechanic, discuss financing with the finance manager etc.

So a Mom of 3 who knew very little about cars was very successful and used to puzzle all of the motorheads who knew it all but couldn’t sell cars.

I think when I worked at CarMax I was successful because I focused on the people rather than the sale.

I am now realizing that when I started my MLM I did the opposite. You see I wanted so badly to be successful that I pushed and totally treated my business as a sales business.

I began to focus on the numbers. Making it a numbers game and talking to more people a day. I didn’t waste my time on tire kickers. I stuffed my head with product knowledge because I wanted to be an expert.

About a year ago I realized that I was really unhappy. I looked at the number of people who came and went.

I saw the number of people that were failing and wanted to figure this thing out. Why was this MLM thing not working for so many people?… I began looking for answers.

I watched “The Secret”, read the book “The Science of Getting Rich” and many others and started focusing on personal development.

I realized that my passion is helping others. I began to meditate and have conversations with myself and God.

I asked the universe to point me in the direction that I needed to go and to pull the right people into my life.

I am realizing that it really is just about people.
I am grateful that Mentoring for Free found me.
I am grateful that Bruce picked up the phone.
I know I have a lot to learn…I am ready to receive.

Wendy Krick


Contact me at: Suzan Svatek - 817-441-1516, suzansvatek@yahoo.com. Or go to my website: http://suzansvatek.successin10steps.com