Did you start out your Network Marketing business by making a list of all your family, friends, co-workers and anyone else you've known since Kindergarten? Then very excitedly told them about what a great product and business opportunity you had. What was their response? Probably not exactly what you expected. They didn't share your enthusiasm. What a downer. Now what? Crawl back into your cave and stay there until a customer or prospect miraculously drops out of the sky?
That's the thinking of someone who is broke and will probably stay there. The only way you are going to get your message, product, or opportunity out there is to promote yourself. Do you realize that wealthy people promote themselves all the time? How else did they get where they are? Can you imagine Donald Trump hiding in his office waiting for good opportunities to appear? He's a "make it happen" kinda guy. Who else can you think of that is famous and YES rich? Let's talk about Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Do you know that he talked to 140 publishing companies before he was finally published? What if he had quit after the first rejection? Our world would NOT be a better place for it. Our world is a much better place with the Chicken Soup series.
Are you then depriving the world of the quality product or service you have to offer? First of all, I should back up a little; do you have a strong positive belief in your product or service? Is there a demand for it? Promoting yourself is all about belief in yourself and what you are offering. Have you done your research on the market for what you are selling? Where would you find the people who need your product or service? With a little bit of effort, i.e., research, you can find many people who would benefit from what you have to offer.
Sure, the Law of Attraction is real. However, the Law of Attraction without the use of the Law of Action doesn't get you very far. YUK!! You mean I have to take ACTION? Does that mean stepping out of my comfort zone? YES! Are you supposed to be comfortable with every action you take? No!! No one is comfortable with every new endeavor they embark upon. But what separates the rich from the not so rich (broke) is action. They move forward even though it might be uncomfortable. Rich people take action; broke people make excuses.
The only way to get comfortable with a new undertaking is to do it. Have you ever heard of the "Ready, Shoot, Aim" principle? Contrary to what we are taught, "Ready, Aim, Shoot", life is a series of small readjustments. When driving a car, we are constantly making tiny adjustments with the steering wheel to stay in our lane, ultimately getting to our destination. We are off-course more than we are on-course. However, we don't get in our car, aim for our destination and just drive without making adjustments. Your Network Marketing (MLM) business is like that. You prepare yourself (Ready), but not "analysis paralysis", by gaining knowledge of your product, service and company. Then you take action (Shoot), by letting people know what you have to offer – promoting. As you are taking action, you constantly adjust what you are saying or doing as you get better with your presentation (Aim). Competency comes with practice.
If your goal is to become wealthy, you must take action. You must promote yourself and your product or service. Don't be shy about it. There are many tools out there to help you promote yourself. I belong to an organization that is dedicated to just that…getting yourself heard in a low rejection environment. Without that, I was just as scared and shy as you might be feeling. A good marketing system builds confidence. Systems are duplicatable; people are not. We can teach you to find no-cost or low-cost leads. I would be happy to help you TAKE ACTION.
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Hey Suzan,
I will have to say that I really like your writing style. I thoroughly enjoyed this post and I will read more of your posts as I get the chance. Meanwhile, keep them coming.
Eddie from Georgia
Hey Susan
Nice post - like the 'law of attraction' + then = 'law of action'. You are so right there.
Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
Cheers and to your success
Julie :-)
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