Saturday, April 19, 2008

Where I've Been And What I've Been Doing Since My Last Post

It's been a while since I posted. I didn't realize how long it had been until I looked at the date.

It's been a very busy time. I've been working hard on my business in Network Marketing. Also, we have another business where we sell model train transport and storage boxes, plus we sell wooden toy trains including Thomas the Tank. We also sell S-Gauge trains, but that is all about doing another blog.

My focus here is on my Network Marketing business and the Mentoring For Free program.

I've been learning to do videos, writing articles for Ezine, learning about Social Networking and Social Bookmarking.

Additionally, my husband had surgery for prostate cancer and is home recouperating. The GREAT news is that they got it all. He's been very faithful in getting his annual checkups and checking his PSA....a simple blood tests that can indicate prostate cancer. This year it passed the magic number of 4.0. He was referred to a Urologist who did a biopsy which turned out to the positive for cancer. It was a more aggressive form of cancer and we did not entertain radiation treatment. He had the prostate removed. The final pathology results were that all the cancer was contained within the prostate and had not moved to his lymph nodes. For everyone out there, whether male or female with a significant male in her life (husband, mate, brother, Father, son), please keep a close watch on your PSA. The number of men who end up with prostate cancer, especially in their older years is staggering. It is one of the most treatable cancers for men, if caught early. All 3 of our sons are going to have theirs checked and they are not yet 40. My husband's Father died of prostate cancer that was not caught until it was too late. He was one of the GREAT people of the world, and it is a much sadder place without him.

My Network Marketing business is keeping me busy. It is NOT a get rich quick scheme. I am in it for the long haul. If you are coachable, you can be succssful. We have so many resources for you, it almost gets difficult to choose which method you are going to use.

I will be happy to help you be successful in your business. Just contact me at: Suzan Svatek, 1285 Old Annetta Rd, Aledo, TX 76008. Home Office No.: 817-441-1516 Also, you can contact me at:

Have a GREAT Day!!

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