Friday, February 8, 2008

Think & Grow Rich - Chapter 6 - Imagination

This is a fabulous book that is timeless. Though first written, shortly after the Great Depression of the '30's, it's message is timeless.

In my Mastermind Group, we discussed this chapter at length. This is my take on it. I'll publish others' understanding of it.

Chapter 6 – Imagination

There are laws of nature from which all things are created. It is either matter or energy. We live this daily just by observing our surroundings; the tangibles and the intangibles. The tangibles being the chair you are sitting on, the car you drive. The intangibles are things you cannot see, but are just as real as the tangibles, such as electricity and Imagination. Imagination is divided into two forms. Synthetic Imagination and Creative Imagination. Synthetic Imagination is the Mother of Invention. It is the process whereby we take what is known, rearrange it and create something new – an invention. Creative Imagination is that from which we draw upon Universal, Infinite Intelligence to create an entirely new concept, inspiration, or desire beyond what is in our current awareness. One’s only limitation for Creative Imagination is the boundaries you, yourself place on your ability to tap into it.

Creative Imagination is also the modality from which we can draw on the awareness and thoughts of others. In order to fully utilize Creative Imagination, you must practice its use or risk losing the ability to use it.

Synthetic Imagination is our “practical”, everyday imagination which is the one most used in the process of converting DESIRE to money. But Creative Imagination is the root of thought that creates the DESIRE. It taps into that which we don’t currently have in our awareness.

You create your thoughts by what you give precedence to. Your thoughts then create the circumstances of which you are thinking. Your reality is then manifested by your thoughts. “Therefore, what you think about – so shall you become.1”

DESIRE is a thought impulse, which is a form of energy. It is the same energy that has brought about all of creation in the Universe. You are now engaged in the task of trying to profit by Nature’s laws by endeavoring to convert DESIRE into it physical or monetary equivalent. You CAN do this. It has been done many times over. You can build a fortune through the aid of laws, which are absolute. The first step is in
recognizing and believing in these laws, and becoming proficient in their use through repetition.

Drawing on Creative Imagination, we begin to formulate DESIRE. Synthetic Imagination allows us to take those new thoughts and convert a DESIRE into tangible form, as in developing a PLAN with which to produce the physical manifestation of our DESIRE. The next step in fulfilling our DESIRE is to commit it to a WRITTEN PLAN. A WRITTEN PLAN takes on much greater power than just keeping the PLAN as a thought. After we have developed the WRITTEN PLAN, we must place a timeline on it in order to develop the drive to fulfill that PLAN.

Definiteness of Purpose is the beginning point from which all ideas begin. Definiteness of Purpose takes on animation, life & power. This SECRET is not truly a secret. Nature displays it creations continuously through everything in the Universe. Hill states: “The conversion of DESIRE into its physical equivalent is, certainly, no more miraculous.” All fortunes had their beginning point in first tapping into Universal Intelligence (Creative Imagination), and Nature’s Laws of energy & matter, developing a Definiteness of Purpose, and then transitioning that into Synthetic Imagination, which becomes an idea or a BURNING DESIRE. From BURNING DESIRE, a written PLAN is developed. All fortunes begin this way. You are only limited by the imagined restraints you place on yourself.

If you think Hard Work & Honesty alone are the keys to wealth you must change your prospective. Millions of people go through life waiting for the big “Break”. Breaks are certainly a plus and helpful, but Riches only come in response to Definite Plans and Goals, Determined Effort and by applying the Laws and Principles of Nature, not by luck or chance.

Success is not necessarily a direct path or smooth sailing. Just because you have a good IDEA, success does not automatically “show up”. Your Burning Desire must be able to withstand setbacks and disappointments. Definiteness of Purpose is mandatory in withstanding obstacles. The process of manifesting monetary gains from Creative, then Synthetic Imagination must be strong enough to dismiss all opposition.

The formula – Inception of an IDEA (Creative Imagination), Developing a BURNING DESIRE with DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE, establishing a PLAN (Synthetic Imagination), committing that PLAN to it written equivalent, then establishing a TIME LIMIT will bring about success.

Mr. Hill states: “Success requires no explanations. Failure permits no excuses.”

If you have a burning desire to become successful, check out my website, then contact me.

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